Thursday, April 23, 2009

Still Icky Sicky

Unfortunately Tyler has not bounced back from his most recent illness like we expected. He's had flu-like symptoms since last Wednesday. A fever started in Sunday night and stuck around for a few days so we took him back to the doctor this week Tuesday. Again we were told it was just a viral bug and that we had to wait it out. Then last night/early this morning, Tyler's temperature actually dropped to 96 degrees. We took him the ER (mostly because of his history), where they got his temperature back up within an hour or two with the aid of some warming blankets. The ER doctor said he looked perfectly healthy but decided to do a full sepsis work-up to rule out an infection. So Tyler endured more needle sticks to have blood drawn, a chest x-ray and collecting a urine sample. The chest x-ray revealed he has "early pneumonia" and sent him home with oral antibiotics. Luckily they did not have to admit him this time but he's still icky sicky. Luckily his temperature has stabilized for the most part and he isn't running a high fever anymore but he still isn't his usual fun-loving self. I'll keep everyone updated and hopefully this will run it's course, the weather will warm up and we will have no more icky sickies for a long, long time.

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